Hauraki Plains College Hauraki Plains College

Going Farming - Agriculture

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mr B. Harris.

Recommended Prior Learning

Year 12 Agriculture or Year 12 Horticulture 

13 Agriculture is an extension of learning from Year 12.  

Students gain more complicated skills with regards to Agriculture. Students will be taught cattle handling skills and animal care and health recognition.  

Fencing skills will be built on from Year 12.  Students learn about permanent electric fence components and how to hang a pre built gate.

Students learn how to chainsaw tree logs and gain understanding of how to handle a chainsaw safely.  Chain sharpening is taught. 

Weed identification and control is part of learning. 

Students gain learning on farm and in the classroom.  


Course Overview

Term 1
Agricultural fencing = hanging gates, tying knots, setting up fences and completing them.
Animal handling - animal health and safety exercises.
Chainsawing - students will learn how to use chainsaw equipment safely and learn how to chop firewood.

Term 2
Agricultural fencing - continued fencing skills from term 1
Animal Handling and health - continued from term 1. A deeper look into health issues prevention and control

Term 3
Weed control - a look at how to maintain an agriculture and horticulture area.
Animal Handling - more animal health learning
Fencing - continued through the year.

Term 4
Catch up on Unit Standards.

Learning Areas:

Primary Industries

Assessment Information

This is a unit standards course and contains practical and theoretical elements.

Career Pathways

Agricultural Technician, Statistician, Arborist, Automotive Technician, Farmer/Farm Manager, Biosecurity Officer, Butcher, Science Technician, Crop Worker, Forest Manager, Forestry and Logging Worker, Forestry Scientist, Groundsperson, Health and Safety Adviser, Nursery Grower/Worker, Packhouse Worker, Agricultural/Horticultural Scientist, Agricultural/Horticultural Consultant, Marine Biologist, Farm Assistant, Dairy Farmer, Crop Farmer/Manager, Nanny/Child Carer, Dairy Herd Manager, Dairy Farm Assistant, Dairy Farm Manager, Sharemilker

					Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

1B8 book, pens. Gumboot socks are required.
You are welcome to bring your own overalls.