Teacher in Charge: Mr B. Harris.
Recommended Prior LearningIt is recommended for students to have taken Year 11 AGR or 11 AGH before taking 12 AGR.
Do you want to gain practical skills which are recognised and are useful within the agriculture industry? This includes the opportunity to gain an industry recognised certification. You will be participating in a mix of practical and theory learning, both in the classroom and on Hayward Farm.
This is a unit standards course and has essential learning for those wanting to take the Trades Academy course in the following year. It is a benefit for students to live on a farm, but is not essential.
Students must have an interest in animals, machinery and not mind getting their hands and sometimes themselves dirty.
It is important that students show respect and maturity when on the farm and follow instructions this is for health and safety reasons as there are times when activities have an element of danger, particularly when students misuse tools or big machinery. If this guidelines are not followed then the student will be asked to leave the class.
Term 1
Tractor driving skills and legal requirements - students extend their understanding of how to safely drive a tractor. Critical knowledge for those wanting to work on farms
Animal handling and health skills - students learn about animal health issues and how to prevent and control them. Drenching and application skills are taught along with weighing.
Term 2
Dairy effluent design - a look at the importance of how to control and contain effluent in order to protect the environment.
identify and maintain fencing tools8 = an important skill to know when either working on farm or wanting to become a fencing contractor
Tie fence knots and roll our a coil of wire. - basic critical fencing skills
Animal Handling skills - continued research and learning about animal health including prevention.
Weed identification and removal
Term 3
Performing agricultural calculations - important to understand the correct dosage rates for applying medicines, plus for mixing fuel or sprays.
Maintaining small tools - a look at how to sharpen tools, grease and oil them to keep them working in good condition.
Animal handling skills - continued health checks on cattle.
Weed identification and removal
Term 4
Completion of units - students are given time to catch up on any standards, or to take on an additional one if time is available.
All assessments are practical and theory unit standards.
Agricultural Technician, Statistician, Arborist, Automotive Technician, Farmer/Farm Manager, Biosecurity Officer, Butcher, Farm Assistant, Science Technician, Crop Worker, Forest Manager, Forestry and Logging Worker, Forestry Scientist, Groundsperson, Health and Safety Adviser, Nursery Grower/Worker, Packhouse Worker
Contributions and Equipment/Stationery1B8, pens, Gumboot socks are required.
You are welcome to bring your own overalls and gumboots