Teacher in Charge: Mr B. Harris.
Recommended Prior LearningThere is no prior learning needed, however, it is beneficial to know something about farming or to live on a farm.
This course is all about basic skills and learning that you can use in the farming sector. Students will have opportunities to learn on Hayward Farm and in the classroom space. Students will learn skills that will be used if they are on a farm, it will give them confidence in completing these activities. There will also be learning about how to be a good employee and how to find the right pathway within the primary sector.
This is a unit standards course and has essential learning for those wanting to take the Trades Academy course in the following year. It is a benefit for students to live on a farm, but is not essential.
Students must have an interest in animals, machinery and not mind getting their hands and sometimes themselves dirty.
It is important that students show respect and maturity when on the farm and follow instructions this is for health and safety reasons as there are times when activities have an element of danger, particularly when students misuse tools or big machinery. If this guidelines are not followed then the student will be asked to leave the class.
Term 1
Tractor Driving Skills - learn to drive a tractor safely. The basics of safety on a tractor plus some tractor driving time
Animal Handling Skills - drenching, weighing
Social skills in the workforce - learning the importance of living and working on a farm with your employer.
Term 2
Electric Fence installation - the importance of setting up electric fences on farm and why they are used
Animal Handling - more weighing and drenching.
Pathways in Agriculture and Horticulture - a look into where students can go to extend their learning post school, or find apprenticeships. They look into the steps to becoming a farm manager.
Term 3
Animal Handling - drenching and weighing
Understanding the New Zealand Primary Sector and its geography - a journey into where farms are placed around New Zealand and why they are placed there.
Term 4
Completion of units
Students will complete Unit Standards. The Assessments will be tests using open book and practical tests.
Agriculture Horticulture Trades Academy, Agriculture and Horticulture Science
Agriculture assistant, fencing contractor, tractor work, horticulture work
Career PathwaysAgricultural Technician, Statistician, Arborist, Automotive Technician, Farmer/Farm Manager, Biosecurity Officer, Butcher, Farm Assistant, Science Technician, Crop Worker, Forest Manager, Forestry and Logging Worker, Forestry Scientist, Groundsperson, Health and Safety Adviser, Nursery Grower/Worker, Packhouse Worker
Contributions and Equipment/StationeryAll students are expected to provide their own pens and a 1B8 book.
Gumboot socks
Students can bring their own overalls and gumboots.