10 AgHort

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mrs B. Dyer.

AgHort covers learning about both agriculture and horticulture and is a mix of hands on experiences and class room learning each week.    Students will do some gardening at school and will learn some basic skills on the school farm. Students will learn about the basics of how things grow and will be expected to complete a series of exercises about Agriculture and Horticulture in class which is 50% of the grade given.  50% of the grade will be based on students attitude when outside, their willingness to be involved in activities and their health and safety understanding.  Those students putting in the extra mahi in class and outdoors will be the ones gaining the top grades.  

Course Overview

Term 1
Each term you will do a mix of Horticulture and Agriculture learning. This learning will be used next year if you choose to Agriculture or Horticulture

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

A pen, pencil, glue stick and a 1B8 book


This course is an introduction to the extensive pathways available in the Primary Sector. There are multiple jobs in many disciplines within the sector whether you are wanting to go into further study and become a consultant, marketer, scientist, engineer, environmental studies, landscape designer, robotic engineering, food technologist or to work on a farm, owning your own farm or managing one, rural studies is a great gateway to these pathways.

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