Te Reo Kia Rere
Course Description
Teacher in Charge: Matua T. Rawiri.
This course is aimed at continuing students’ development of their productive language skills like kōrero (spoken), tuhituhi (written), and whakaatu (demonstrative). This course is set as the bridge between Level 1 and Level 3 Te Reo Māori where students will focus beyond the correctness of the language they are learning and work on using their language to hear it. Students who wish to take this course will be required to undertake the reading comprehension external as a compulsory element of the course.
Students are also required to exhibit and uphold our school values of Rangatiratanga, Manaakitanga, and Kaitiakitanga. This needs to be demonstrated within our class, wider school, and out in the community.
Contributions and Equipment/Stationery
Stationery costs only.
Credit Information
You will be assessed in this course through all or a selection of the standards listed below.
Korero kia taumata a-tumu te reo Māori mo te mana whenua
Panui kia taumata a-tumu te mohiotanga ki nga tuhinga reo Māori mo te tangata
Tuhituhi kia taumata a-tumu nga tuhinga reo Māori mo te tangata
Whakarongo kia taumata a-tumu te mohiotanga ki nga korero mo te ao turoa o te akonga
Pathway Possibilities
Kaiwhakaako Māori, Secondary School Teacher Early Childhood Teacher,